Immersive Art the new AI

Reni Candelier
2 min readMar 3, 2021

Some read poetry some read Law but in my case I enjoy reading Art. As I took one week break to the shores of South-Eastern Miami to enjoy the air. I spoke to a friend by the pool side about the articles I enjoy to read. I stayed at a 3 night hotel at the Genarator. Where I met sports players from all over the world taking a spring break. I was off my Harvard University duties and decided it was time to have some Margs. I layed and tanned by the pool for hours. I told my girlfriends that I confessed to my mom in a Carnival Cruise when I was listening to Lady Gaga born this way.

The bus was slow but I explored Hialeah where the best tacos are. I spoke to Cubans and Mexicans about cultures and religion.

This new year 2021, I was going to change my whole perspective in my diet. Alot more lemons than the usual because the virus has multiplied into different strands. I felt like Akon in my small Van Gogh room the last year 2020. Alot of reading and studying. A article appeared about NYC opening a Van Gogh Exhibit.

I was given the invite via Facebook about a 360º digital art exhibition. Van Gogh Lived in us all this season. Trapped inside our small domes because of Science.



Reni Candelier

Arizona State University Graphic Information Technology